INNOTAL Consultation Workshop for Internal Stakeholders
Posted on April 1st, 2019 @ 06:47pm
For the project INNOTAL a Consultation Workshop for Internal Stakeholders was organized on 26th Feb., 2019 for the internal members of RK University. RK University is one of the partner universities in the project titled Integrating Talent Development into Innovation Ecosystems in Higher Education (INNOTAL), which is co-funded by the European Union through the Erasmus+ Program - Capacity Building in Higher Education.
The objective of the workshop was to spread awareness and update members of the University about the progress made in the project and how the project is important for students and faculty members.
A detailed discussion on how the project will be useful to the students, faculty members and other organizations of the region was discussed along with the role of internal and external members in this project. The activities during the workshop helped the project team get important inputs and feedback about several important areas concerning Employability, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Collaboration of University with Industry.
The project was attended by 45 members including students and faculty members from all the schools of RK University.
This Project is aimed for improvement of students’ employability through value driven initiatives in several areas including entrepreneurship education, innovation and active collaboration with external stakeholders of University like Industry, Public Sector and Community. This Project is a joint initiative of 14 Universities from Bulgaria, Greece, Finland, UK, India, Philippines, Nepal and Sri Lanka.