A total rethinking about all courses in all programs from the ground up is worked in outcome based education. RKU has introduced a novel approach to designing courses keeping in mind international and national educational requirements. To do this the curriculum is identified in terms of Program education objectives (PEOs) which a student should be able to do after Graduation while Program Objectives (POs) are the one which student should be able to achieve while in the program or by the end of a program. For example, Engineering Education focus at RKU is on Personality and Placement (P&P) besides Technical. First 2 years on Personality and rest 2 years on Placement. POs in general for I year students are Awareness, Identify and Ethics i.e. AIE. These are measured in I year students and improved as required. Likewise, POs in general for II year students are: Conduct, Teamwork, Communication, and Life Long Learning i.e. CTC & LLL. Similarly, this is measured for second-year students and improved. POs in general for III year students are Social impact and Participate in National Event (SIP) and POs in general for IV year students are Practice Knowledge, Apply, Design (PAD). The same method is followed at other schools to arrive at Graduate attribute which is a summation of all POs. The point of measure is part of assessment cycle and judiciously direct measurement is taken with few identified course at particular level beside polls from various stakeholder as an indirect measurement. Broadly RKU has set the target that 80% of students should be able to meet 60% of graduate attributes which is to be reviewed every year.