Learning System Lab

Traditional higher education institutions and structures are failing. We see more and more reports and studies highlighting the fact that most students coming out of professional colleges are unemployable. But perhaps more importantly, the idea of teaching-learning process is being reduced to a mere “transaction”, that too an unsatisfying transaction to all parties involved. Students don’t feel happy in class, teachers are perpetually stressed, and parents suffer from anxiety.
- Can the learning experience, in and out of classroom, be something that makes students happy?
- Can all teachers be happy in class?
- Does the class always have to be stressful? Not just because it is may be confrontational but because it is unbearably passive?
These questions have motivated to us to do something about learning experience. Learning Systems Lab is born out of these depths of despair, so to say.

We are spearheading a revolution in learning experience of students at RKU, be it formal learning or informal learning. We are equipping teachers with the most modern and scientifically proven adult learning strategies. Learning at designed by Thinqer is fun, satisfying and enriching to the students as well as teachers. We are constantly learning from top institutions and researchers in the world to update and change curriculum, teaching methods and assessment systems. Placements and professional success later in life are a natural outcome of the robust educational processes.

Over the past year, we have made incredible leap forward in the changing the entire system of teaching and learning at RKU. The initiatives that we have taken are truly revolutionary and rarely seen before in Indian education system. In some cases we are rethinking the most fundamental prejudices attached to the learning process while in come other cases we are ushering in new pedagogical approaches and tools. We spend incredible amount of time and energy in designing learning interventions for students and faculties. Some of the initiatives that have already been undertaken are:
- Learning Experience Design: A 6 week program for faculties that provides participants with a collaborative, immersive and hands-on environment in which to explore ideas about learning and formulate their own philosophy and approach to designing learning experiences.
- Lesson Planning Project: A 3 day program which introduces participants to practical skills necessary to create effective lesson plans. Participants are assigned individual mentors who guide them in designing lesson plans after the program.
- New Faculty Orientation: A 3 day program that introduces new and early career faculties to contemporary educational practices and seminal learning theories in an immersive and collaborative environment. Faculties are guided to prepare a teaching philosophy statement that drives their teaching approach in class.
- University Bridge Program: A 4 week bridge program that can be delivered to students across the university. This program prepares new students to have a successful transition from 12th grade to university education emphasizing active learning, self learning, group learning and addressing any knowledge gaps that may exist.
- Outcomes Based Education: A total rethinking about all courses in all programs from the ground up. We are introducing a novel approach to designing courses keepiing in mind international and national educational requirements.
- Academic Regulations and Frameworks: For many of the initiatives to truly realize their potential, many sweeping changed have been made in the University’s academic regulations and frameworks. IN many cases, revolutionary and far reaching changes have been made which have rarely been seen before in Indian higher education.
Mohit Patel is the founder and director of Learning Systems Lab. He is an educator, engineer and designer who strives to create engaging and insightful lived experiences particularly learning experiences. He designs and executes learning experiences for teachers and students that are based on learning theories and cognitive neuroscience. He also focuses on long term planning and execution of projects in the areas of curricular reforms, governance, and outreach at RK University, India. Mohit has a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering and master’s degree in Industrial Systems from University of Cambridge on a scholarship by the Cambridge Commonwealth Trust. He recently returned to India from the US where he completed his master’s degree at Harvard University focusing on education and technology. He has been a cross-registered candidate at Massachusetts Institute of Technology where he focused on institutional management. His program was funded by a scholarship from Harvard University. Mohit has also participated in executive programs at INSEAD (Singapore), Indian Insitute of Management-Ahmedabad and Indian School of Business (Hyderabad).
Mohit Patel
Learning Systems Lab