Blind Coding

Information and Rules

Event Description

  • The Blind Coding Challenge is a competitive programming event that pushes participants' coding skills to the limit by removing the familiar GUI and coding tools. During the event, participants are provided with a text-based environment, often a command-line interface, and a specific programming problem or task. They must write code to solve the problem using only text-based input and output.

Event Rules

  1. Single candidate entry allowed
  2. Participants will write a code of a program which is given by the event coordinator.
  3. Participants will write a code in blind screen (System Monitor power will be off).
  4. Any kind of mischief will not be allowed.
  5. If someone is found doing mal practicing then he/she will be disqualified by coordinators.
  6. Arguments with faculty coordinator or student volunteers will result in disqualification from participation.
  7. Results will be declared on the basis of the number of errors. (i.e. those who have less number errors in the program will go further for next round or for winners.)
  8. Event Co-coordinators' decision will be the final decision.

Event Type


Participation Fees

  • RS. 100

Student coordinator

Rathva Ajay (6359378063)

Event coordinator

Prof. Homera Durani (
Prof. Jai Fuletra (

Eligibility Criteria


Winner certificate will be provided to the rankers.
Participation certificate will be provided to all participants.