Sprint Coding

Information and Rules

Event Description

  • The SPRINT Coding Challenge is a competitive programming event that pushes participants' coding skills to the limit by removing the familiar GUI and coding tools. During the event, participants are provided with a text-based environment, often a command-line interface, and a specific programming problem or task. They must write code to solve the problem using only text-based input and output.

Event Rules

  1. SPRINT Coding is the Group Event.
  2. The group will be formed with the three students.
  3. Each student will attend one round and hand over the next task to the other team member, and so on.
  4. Tasks will be provided at the event's start to the group's first team member.
  5. No mobile phones or any other digital gadgets are allowed at the event.
  6. The participants won't be able to use email or other social media.
  7. Participants should bring their laptops.

Event Type

Team (2 Members compulsory)

Participation Fees

  • RS. 200 (per Team)

Student coordinator

Kanzariya Nilesh (+91-9737071292) ,Kakadiya Nishil (+91-9313424812) ,Santhaliya Bhavik (+91-9054705039)

Event coordinator

Prof. Snehal Sathwara (snehal.sathwara@rku.ac.in)
Prof. Anju Kakkad (anju.kakkad@rku.ac.in)

Eligibility Criteria


Click Here for Registration

Winner certificate will be provided to the rankers.
Participation certificate will be provided to all participants.