What is Technoplanet 2024?

Technoplanet is National level technical event organised by School of Engineering, RK University, Rajkot

When the Technoplanet 2024 is going to be organized?

Technoplanet 2024 is going to be organized on 8th-October-2024.

What will I gain by participating in Technoplanet 2024?

You will have the opportunity to make yourself aware and updated in the field of Engineering by participating in various events to showcase your technical skills through participation and of course! there are perks for winners!

Who can attend Technoplanet 2024?

Active Engineering Students (UGs, PGs), Engineering Interns and Academicians

BCA and MCA students can also participate.

Student should compulsory produce ID card at registration desk.

What is the Venue?

School of Engineering, RK University, Kasturbadham (Tramba), Rajkot-Bhavnagar Highway, Rajkot - 360020, Gujarat, India.

Which are the events in Technoplanet 2024?

You can refer to events tab for all the event details.

Do I need to bring anything with me?

Different events have different requirements of instruments. You can refer the event page in which you would like to register.

How can I reach there?

Transportation would be provided by RK University Rajkot for the participants on 8th-October-2024. Please check committee menu for contact concern person.

How much is the Registration fee?

Registration fees is depends on event in which you want to participate for more deatils you can visit event tab.

How can I register?

You can register offline by paying cash amount to the coordinator.
For online payments you can contact coordinator.

What are the events?

For event details, Click here

Is it compulsory to participate in an event?

Yes, it is mandatory for Students to participate in event for attending the Technoplanet 2024.

Maximum, in how many number of events I can participate?

Registration can be done in maximum 2 events.

Can I come with my friends, relatives or spouse?


Whom shall I contact for further queries?

You can contact event coordinators & committee members

What if I need to cancel my Registration and Event registration?

Once you are done with the registration procedure, cancellation is not allowed.

What is last date of online registration?

5-10-2024 is the last date of online registration.

Is there spot registration?

Yes, we will provide on the spot registration on selected events.

How can I give feedback after an event?

We will send you Feedback form to respective email id.

Is there any non technical events?

Yes, Many other non technical events will be avaliable (it will be on the spot event).